How to cook Ravioli/Tagliatelle/Spaghetti
Storage/Handling: During transport- keep pasta upright as if they move around too much, they may stick to each other. In this case, try and separate as much as possible, if they tear, seal with dough. If too sticky, freeze and cook as is. Always keep refrigerated and consume as soon as possible for best results. If pasta is sticky and delicate to handle (depending on how long it stays out in hot weather), freeze for some time (until it hardens and holds shape and is easier to handle) before cooking. The pasta will stay fresh refrigerated up to 2 days or can also be frozen for up to 2 weeks (texture will change slightly compared to fresh). Stick the pasta in the freezer until they harden, and then put the individual pieces in a freezer bag and enjoy over the next few weeks!
Instructions: Boil water in a big enough pot and generously salt it (a good 1 tablespoon per 15 pieces). Ensure the water in on a gentle boil and toss in the pasta gently, straight from the refrigerator or freezer and cook for 3-5 mins or until al dente, depends on how much the pasta has dried out. For tagliatelle/spaghetti, gently use a fork to unravel the nests when they hit the hot water. Always check the edges of the pasta to see if it’s cooked before fishing them out on to your plate (and then top with butter and cheese) or in your pan if tossing it with a sauce. Do not overcook!!! If tossing with sauce, then cook up 90% done in the water and balance 10% finish off with the sauce and pasta water to emulsify and perfectly marry the pasta and the sauce.

How to cook Gnocchi
Storage: During transport- keep box upright as if they move around too much, they may stick to each other. In this case, try and separate as much as possible before cooking. If too sticky, freeze as is and when they harden cut them up or separate before cooking. Always keep refrigerated and consume as soon as possible for best results. If gnocchi is sticky and delicate to handle (depending on how long it stays out in hot weather), freeze for some time (until it hardens and holds shape and is easier to handle) before cooking. The gnocchi can be frozen for up to 2 weeks (texture will change slightly compared to fresh). If not cooking the entire batch, lay the gnocchi separate and flat on a tray and stick in the freezer, once they harden you can put them in a ziplock and freeze.
Instructions: Take a big pot and boil water, salt it (preferably with course salt). Keep an ice bath ready to douse the gnocchi in so as to stop the cooking process once you fish out from boiling water. Now put in the gnocchi gently in the boiling water (make sure the water is properly boiling!) and cook until they float and maybe a minute more. Put them in the ice bath for 30 seconds and then put them on a dry kitchen towel. Now you can use the gnocchi to toss in your favorite sauce! Gnocchi can also be frozen, to cook frozen gnocchi- make sure you cook them in small batches, add a couple of gnocchis straight from the freezer, gently at a time in boiling salted water, gradually just putting in enough for each of them to have their own space, if you throw in all of the frozen gnocchi at one time they will sink to the bottom as the water will cool super fast. Enjoy!

How to use our sauces
Instructions: All sauce need to be refrigerated or can be frozen.
How to use our pesto (cla/ssic or trapanase)- start with a couple of spoons of the pesto in a pan or a bowl (off the heat), add a ladle or two of past water to the pesto and emulsify until you have a creamy sauce. Once the pasta is cooked, add to this emulsified sauce. Add more pesto, parmesan or pasta water as needed to get the right consistency. There’s no need to cook the pesto!
For other sauces like our sugo di pomodoro/aglio olio/salsa di noci- heat up the sauce and lighten it with some hot pasta water, toss the 90% cooked pasta into this sauce and let it finish cooking in it adding pasta water as needed to ensure the pasta is not dry. Always add more parmesan off heat.

How to bake our Lasagne
Take off the lid and unfold the extra edges (that will crisp up later) as much as you can. Now cover loosely with a piece of foil so as the lasagne doesn’t dry up while it bakes. Stick it in a preheated oven in the tray itself and bake at 190 degrees for 40 minutes until the sauce and cheese is nice and bubbly. Take off the foil and bake for another 10 mins to crisp up/brown the top. Allow to rest for 20-30 minutes before slicing and eating!

How to cook our:
Extruded pastas
5-6 mins in salted boiling water and another minute or 2 with the sauce!
Gluten-free pastas
Boil water in a pot, salt it generously and add the gluten-free pasta once its come to a complete boil. Usually ravioli cooks in 2-3 mins, but watch out for it as it may cook sooner depending on the temperature of the water, size of the pot etc. Pull them out before they disintegrate. For bucatini- usually 2-3 mins is enough, finish cooking in sauce. Gigli takes a bit longer- 5-6 mins.